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3+ reactors in compliance with post-Fukushima requirements

The so-called Generation III-plus reactors meet the post-Fukushima requirements, Director General of Rosatom Sergei Kiriyenko said when speaking at the plenary session “Nuclear Power as a Basis for Zero Carbon Energy Balance” at Atomexpo in Moscow, BelTA has learned. 

Sergei Kiriyenko said that he sees the future of the nuclear industry in small mobile units, greater flexibility (ensuring stable operation of nuclear power plants in different circumstances – routine consumption and peak demand) and the development of a new-generation technologies associated with the launch of 3+ reactors. The 3+ reactor has already been launched at the Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant. Sergei Kiriyenko drew attention that this unit fully complies with the post-Fukushima requirements and provides absolute safety.

Sergei Kiriyenko believes that today when arguing which is better nuclear or renewable energy we need to understand what their optimal balance is for the world and each country individually. According to the Director General of Rosatom, for the last 45 years all nuclear power plants in the world prevented the release of 56 gigatons of carbon dioxide.

Predictability of prices generated by nuclear power could be considered the advantage of nuclear energy. The cost of 1 kWh of electricity produced by gas-, oil- and coal-fired stations relies mainly on the basis of the cost of raw materials. The cost of uranium accounts for 4-5% of the cost of 1 kWh generated by nuclear power plants. This provides predictability of prices for the investor and the government of any country, Sergei Kiriyenko said.

President of the international association of environmentalists Bruno Comby, for his part, shared the view that eco-friendly materials and technologies will be increasingly used in the future. More and more people will choose electric cars which will contribute to the development of nuclear energy, Bruno Comby believes.