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Algeria is interested in nuclear energy

Nuclear energy are not new words for Algeria. The opinion was voiced by Leonid Gusev, Senior Research Officer of the Analysis Center of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), BelTA has learned.

"Half a century ago France tested a nuclear weapon in Algeria’s deserts. Besides, Algeria has big uranium reserves, two research nuclear reactors and a plant producing nuclear fuel for them. So, it is clear why that country is interested in nuclear energy. Each year energy consumption in Algeria is growing by 5%. Today the core of the country’s energy sector is gas but if it builds a nuclear power plant, it will be able to produce cheap and environmentally friendly energy and to earn money by exporting the gas that will be replaced by nuclear energy. Having own uranium mines, Algeria will not depend on uranium suppliers. Besides, an NPP could help the country to get desalinated water", expert noted.

"Russia’s offer may be attractive for Algeria as it implies not only construction but also fueling, personnel training and flexible financing. Rosatom already has a valuable experience of building nuclear reactors in hot seismically active countries.
The Russian-Algerian agreement will also help the countries to develop other nuclear technologies, particularly, in the field of nuclear medicine", he added.
Tags: cooperationNPPreactorRussiasafety