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All-Belarus Youth Construction Site status for Belarus NPP will promote students’ movement

The assignment of the All-Belarusian Youth Construction Site status to the facilities of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (NPP) will give a fresh impetus to the students’ team movement, Igor Buzovsky, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the BRSM Youth Union, deputy chairman of the permanent commission on education, science, culture and social development of the Council of the Republic, told BelTA.

In his words, the decision to give the All-Belarusian Youth Construction Site status to the Belarusian NPP facilities demonstrates the state’s trust in the young generation. “Today the country provides wide opportunities for personal fulfillment. Every young person can fulfil his/her talents in studies, creativity, work including at the most important and prestigious state facilities. Today young people prove in practice their ability to build the future,” he noted.

The leader of the youth movement believes that the decision will draw higher attention to youth employment and the development of the students’ team movement. “The Belarusian nuclear power plant is a strategic project for the country. The participation of students’ teams in the construction of the Belarusian NPP will be useful for both the youth and the country,” he added.

The joint Belarusian-Russian team that worked at the Belarusian NPP facilities in 2013 comprised 60 students: 40 from Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the Grodno State Vocational Technical College of Light Industry and 20 students from the Energetik team of the Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, a subsidiary of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. The students’ team performed wiring, concrete, paining, plastering and earthwork. Besides, students were engaged in stonework, building structure dismantlement, tile paving and waterproofing finishing. “Students proved they are responsible and hardworking people. Students received good earnings and were provided with food, comfortable living conditions and also a cultural program,” Igor Buzovsky noted.

In his words, the proposal to name the Belarusian nuclear power plant the All-Belarusian Youth Construction Site was voiced at the forum, Youth. Traditions. Future in October. He added that on the youth initiative and the instructions of the President of Belarus the Augustow Canal restoration project was announced the All-Belarusian Youth Construction Site in 2005. About 400 young people worked on the project.

The facilities of the Belarusian nuclear power plant were assigned the All-Belarusian Youth Construction Site status in line with Decree No.118 on youth construction sites signed by the President of Belarus on 10 March. The document is designed to popularize and develop students’ teams, unite young people by an important civil and patriotic idea, attract the youth to the country’s leading construction objects. The decree sets the order of assigning the All-Belarusian Youth Construction Site status and the status of the oblast (Minsk) youth construction sites to facilities under construction. The BRSM Youth Union is responsible for the formation of students’ construction teams.