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Belarusian nuclear power plant spurs development of surrounding area

MINSK, 30 April (BelTA) – The construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant gave a powerful impulse to the development of Ostrovets District. Deputy Chairman of the Ostrovets District Executive Committee Gennady Bychko made the statement during public hearings on granting the license to operate the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant on 30 April, BelTA has learned.

According to the source, the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant is a large-scale investment project. The construction of such a massive installation gave an additional powerful boost to the development of Ostrovets District. The town of Ostrovets has changed noticeably. At present it is a modern city with all the necessary conditions for comfortable life and work. New residential areas, well-developed infrastructure, roads and junctions, social facilities and retail outlets have been built there.

The official added that the construction of the nuclear power plant also spurred the development of neighboring districts thanks to the creation of new jobs and the involvement of construction, transport, and trade organizations. “The level of unemployment in our district is close to zero. The number of vacancies exceeds the number of the unemployed by several times, this is why we have to seek workforce all over the country. A considerable increase in fixed-capital investments has been registered in the region. The Belarusian nuclear power plant construction project accounts for virtually half of the Ostrovets District budget revenues. As far as the average salary is concerned, Ostrovets District is one of Grodno Oblast's top three,” the deputy head of the Ostrovets District administration noted.

Public hearings are taking place today before the license to operate the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant is issued. The public hearings proceed in a hybrid mode. Several studios are connected by videoconference technologies. The purpose of the public hearings is to notify the general public about progress and results of an expert evaluation of safety and conformance of the state enterprise Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant with license requirements and terms as the Emergencies Ministry works to grant the license to operate the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.