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China’s energy stability in nuclear energy

China’s proposal to Russia for building two nuclear power-generating units in China is certainly very positive and expected. Put forth in a complicated international situation, China’s proposal indicates that nuclear power engineering is considered by Chinese authorities as a condition of energy stability. The opinion was voiced by Nikolai Kuzelev, Deputy Director for Science of the Introscopy Research Institute MNPO Spektr, professor of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), BelTA has learned.

“It is impossible to ignore facts of successful and long-standing cooperation between Russia and China in nuclear power engineering. Russian nuclear workers were the ones to build the first phase of the Tianwan nuclear power plant — two power-generating units using the VVER-1000 design. The project’s implementation was the largest object of economic cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation. The general contract for building the second phase of the nuclear power plant, which is located on the shore of the Yellow Sea, was signed by the Russian and Chinese sides in 2010. The units are scheduled for commissioning in 2018,” remarked the scientist.

He reminded that the act on the end of the guaranteed service life of the prime equipment of the fourth phase of a gas centrifuge factory was signed in Beijing in late July 2014. It is another Russian-Chinese nuclear industry project. “As part of the contract the Russian side has designed the prime equipment, supplied the main technological equipment and auxiliary equipment, provided consultations during supervised installation and startup procedures, carried out designer supervision and also trained Chinese specialists in Russia,” added Nikolai Kuzelev.

Apart from that, a couple of weeks ago Russia and China signed a memorandum on creating floating nuclear power plants. China believes that such power plants represent a promising solution for providing energy to island territories and to the extraction of hydrocarbon resources on the continental shelf, stressed the Russian scientist.

“Therefore, it was logical of China to invite Russia to build two nuclear power-generating units in China, particularly taking into account the increased safety requirements of modern nuclear power plants. The requirements are fully taken care of in Russian designs. It should be noted that projects for cooperation in nuclear industry are, as a rule, long-term ones and are not subject to passing political considerations,” said Nikolai Kuzelev.

China has invited the Russian state corporation Rosatom to build two nuclear power-generating units in China. The information was released by Gennady Sakharov, Director for Capital Investments of Rosatom, director of the nuclear energy industry capital construction division of Rosatom. Rosatom’s delegation will travel to Kharbin soon for negotiations and for assessing the site for building the two power-generating units in mainland China, he said.
Tags: constructionNPPRussia