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Continued shipbuilding to allow Rosatom to step up operations in Arctic Region

Experts are busy summing up results of the nuclear industry’s performance in 2016. After commissioning the nuclear-powered barge carrier Sevmorput in 2016 the state enterprise Atomflot carried out two voyages for the Russian Defense Ministry. The construction of nuclear-powered icebreakers continued. The icebreaker Arktika was commissioned in June. The construction of the third icebreaker of the new series Ural began at Baltic Shipyard in July. The construction of the icebreaker Sibir continues. A port fleet to operate in the Sabetta port is being created. Two tugs — Pur and Tambei — have already been commissioned. In May and June 2016 ZiO-Podolsk (part of Atomenergomash, which is the mechanical engineering division of the Russian state corporation Rosatom) finished making and shipped two reactors RITM-200 for the leading icebreaker Arktika. They have already been installed into the ship. The manufacturing of two reactors for the first batch-produced icebreaker Ural continues. Dock trials (complex testing of onboard systems) of the floating nuclear power plant Akademik Lomonosov took place in Saint Petersburg in July 2016. The power plant is supposed to provide the Chukotka Autonomous District with electricity and heat when it will be deployed in the city of Pevek. The construction of the shore infrastructure for the floating nuclear power plant has begun in Pevek.

Dmitry Baranov, senior expert at the investment fund management company Finam Management, noted: “At the end of the year I’d pay attention to the continued construction of all kinds of vessels, including icebreakers and other ships. By building these vessels the Rosatom corporation diversifies its business, encourages the development and preservation of unique competences of its specialists. The construction of these vessels also improves competition in the shipbuilding industry. It will also allow stepping up operations in the Arctic Region as a whole. More cargoes will be transported along the Northern Sea Route and the overall operation of maritime transport will be favorably affected.”

The expert said: “It is understandable that the construction of vessels of various kinds will continue next year. It will allow improving performance indicators not only thanks to construction but thanks to the consequent operation of these vessels. Apart from that, new contracts may be signed not only inside the country but abroad, too.”