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Expert: Environmental safety and radiation safety are Rosatom’s watchwords

Russia’s first subsurface station for the final isolation of radioactive waste of low-level and extra low-level varieties has been commissioned in the restricted administrative and territorial entity Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk Oblast. The first batch of low-level radioactive waste was delivered on 28 November – 2 December. It comprised 13 packages or 47m3 in total.

Rosatom took unprecedented measures while building the storage facility, BelTA learned from Yuri Raptanov, head of the all-Russian public ecological organization Podorozhnik. The expert believes that public opinion had something to do with it. The storage facility implements powerful concrete walls and multiple barriers. It will store low-level radioactive waste while the facility boasts unprecedented safety measures. According to Russian and international norms, the facility will last for 300 years. Once again Rosatom has undertaken responsibility for the Soviet legacy. We hope the facility will not be the last one of its kind. It opens a new page in the nuclear industry’s history. Rosatom Director General Alexei Likhachev said: “Our work is now systemic. We no longer make decisions with delayed consequences.” It is important that ecological safety and radiation safety are high priorities for Rosatom.

The new facility is very compact. A greenfield site is supposed to be there in the future. Rosatom has gone an extra mile building the facility. The extraordinary safety measures will satisfy the IAEA and the domestic requirements, which are always higher than international ones.