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Expert: Smolensk NPP compliant with environmental standards

Ivan Mysyukevich, the head of supervision of chemical, radiation safety and working conditions with Interregional Office No. 135 at the Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia:

Over the years, Interregional Office No. 135 at the Federal Biomedical Agency, which is an independent public oversight body, has been performing the radiation and hygienic monitoring of the environment in the vicinity of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant. We have been measuring gamma-radiation on the ground, the activity of radionuclides in soil, water, vegetation, agricultural products. In other words, we monitor everything that people use in their everyday life.

The laboratory and instrumental studies confirm that the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant is complaint with the established environmental standards and has no significant impact on the environment and the population.

Over the long-term observation period, the background radiation in the vicinity of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant has never exceeded the natural background and has been within -0.13 0.08mSv/h. The content of radionuclides in the air is millions of times lower than the quantity permitted by the radiation safety regulations. The water in the Desnogorskoye artificial reservoir also matches the natural values of the open water reservoirs and is 3,700 times lower than the tolerable intervention level in water bodies. 

Analysis of the data of state environmental monitoring in the vicinity of Smolensk NPP objectively shows that the nuclear power plant has produced no negative impact on the region. Commissioning of new spent nuclear fuel treatment facilities does not increase the level of background radiation in the area of the nuclear power plant.