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Expert: The public is starting to understand that Russia develops nuclear energy to create an environmentally friendly world

Most of the Belarusians now support the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. The conclusion is derived from the latest opinion poll, which results have been summed up by the interregional public environmental movement Oka. Opinions were polled as part of the international ecological expedition to the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant in October 2016. The opinion survey about the public’s perception of the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant from the environmental point of view involved 262 respondents, who live in Ostrovets, Grodno Oblast, and Minsk. The share of people under 25 was 36%, people aged 26-40 — 27%, people aged 41-60 — 16%, people over 60 — 21%. The opinion poll relied on a random sampling technique.

As many as 88% of the respondents agreed that the Belarusian nuclear power plant will create highly remunerative jobs, 72% believe that the nuclear power plant will improve the reliability of utility power. As many as 59% agreed that the nuclear power plant will not worsen the state of environment. 64% of those polled believe that there is no alternative to building the Belarusian nuclear power plant for the sake of ensuring reliable supply of electricity and for the sake of the social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus.

According to Alan Khasiyev, president of the environmental movement Oka, expert of the Russian State Duma, head of the international ecological expedition to the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, the general public in Belarus and other countries is growing increasingly convinced that Russia develops nuclear energy industry for the sake of building a fair, stable, and environmentally friendly world. It is also done to improve energy affordability, overcome poverty, equalize economic development of various regions of the planet, and address social goals. Russia also does it to improve the global environmental situation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonize power engineering and transportation, BelTA has been told.

The expert is convinced that nuclear energy is becoming a global peace factor all over the world.

The opinion poll will be repeated in 2017 to learn how the opinion of the general public has changed.