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Impossible for Switzerland to substitute 40% of electricity generated by nuclear power plants with import

As many as 54.2% of the citizens of Switzerland have voted against the Green Party’s initiative to gradually phase out nuclear power plants. The final results of the referendum have been published on the Swiss government’s website. The Green Party had suggested shutting down nuclear power plants over the age of 45 in addition to abandoning the plans to build new reactors. The government and the parliament of Switzerland had spoken against the proposals.

According to Dmitry Kumanovsky, head of the analysis division of Investment Company Lenmontazhstroy (LMS), Switzerland citizens rejected the Green Party proposals to prematurely shut down the country’s five nuclear power plants by 2029 because they feared the country would be unable to substitute 40% of the country’s demand for electricity with import from neighboring countries due to the absence of the sufficient power line infrastructure.

Apart from that, the country would bear the financial cost of compensating for lost revenues of the investors that operate the nuclear power plants to the tune of $6 billion. It would be impossible to come up with this kind of money.

Since the rising costs would directly affect the living standards of the citizens in Switzerland, they rejected the proposals of the Green Party. Instead they supported preserving the current strategy and gradually switching to renewable energy sources if and when the technologies improve and the installed capacity grows. At present there are no affordable alternatives to nuclear energy industry. The Swiss demonstrated it although they actively supported other ecological initiatives in the past.