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Lithuanians are misled about the fulfillment of the Espoo Convention by Belarus


Lithuanian officials mislead the general public of Lithuania regarding the actions Belarus takes to observe the UN Economic Commission for Europe’s Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention). The opinion was voiced by Alexander Andreyev, Head of the State Environmental Audit Office of the Belarusian Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry, BelTA has learned.

“Belarus is fulfilling the recommendations of the Espoo Convention Implementation Committee,” said the official. The Lithuanian side fails to properly fulfill recommendations stipulated by the document.

In line with recommendations of the Committee Belarus carried on the procedure for transboundary assessment of the environmental impact on the basis of the final documents regarding the assessment of the environmental impact of the Belarusian nuclear power plant that will be built at the Ostrovets site. Following results of surveys the Lithuanian side has been provided with answers to all the questions. In line with the Convention Belarus has suggested coordinating the sequence of consecutive steps to Lithuania. However, Lithuania has not replied to this suggestion.

“In the last 1.5 years proposals to hold consultations have been sent to the Lithuanian side many times in written form and verbal form during official meetings. Since February 2013 the Belarusian side has been doing it virtually every month,” said the Head of the State Environmental Audit Office.

Besides, despite the justified requests of the Belarusian side and requirements of the Convention the Lithuania government has failed to forward the information it has been given to the Lithuanian public.

Alexander Andreyev noted, the Espoo Convention and the Aarhus Convention envisage the involvement of the general public in the environmental impact assessment procedure from the outset instead of doing it after experts have studied the information as the Lithuanian side claims. Following the decision of the Espoo Convention Implementation Committee the Belarusian and Lithuanian authorities should facilitate the informing of the general public of Lithuania about the final environmental impact assessment report.

“It seems that the Lithuanian side tries to prevent constructive cooperation between the two countries in fulfilling recommendations of the Espoo Convention Implementation Committee and is putting efforts into protracting the process as long as possible,” said the official. According to the source, the Lithuanian side follows a strange kind of logic by accusing Belarus of failing to observe the Espoo Convention on the one hand and by dodging any requests to hold consultations on the other. “Recent statements made by two ministers of the Lithuania government indicate that the government has virtually forbidden its citizens to freely discuss the matter of vital importance for both countries,” stressed the expert.

For the sake of honoring obligations specified by the Espoo Convention Belarus invites the Lithuanian public to take part in public hearings based on the final report on the environmental impact assessment of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. The hearings will take place in Ostrovets, Grodno Oblast on 17 August. The Belarusian side guarantees free visa support and transportation from the state border and back to citizens of Lithuania, who are willing to take part in the event.