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Malkina on Lithuania’s complaints about BelNPP: Belarus’ project compliant with all requirements

Belarus’ approach to the construction of the nuclear power plant complies with all international standards, Belarus’ First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Protection Iya Malkina told reporters, BelTA has learned.

“Indeed, it takes up a certain amount of working time to keep up repeated correspondence to discuss the same issue over and over again (with Lithuania – note by BelTA). At the same time, we understand very clearly that the approach we have chosen meets all international requirements and standards,” Iya Malkina noted.

In her opinion, it makes not sense to discuss the things that have lost their relevance today. We need to think over how to work together on this project and on its safe operation, Iya Malkina noted.

She also drew attention to the fact that Belarus has passed the stress tests as required by the European Union. “As far as I know, the European Commission was generally satisfied with the actions taken by the Republic of Belarus. Moreover, we are ready for the European audit of our stress tests. I believe that the problem itself is heavily politicized by the Lithuanian business and pro-government elite,” Iya Malkina noted.

The first deputy minister said that until such trend remains in place in their political situation, Lithuania will continue to prod Belarus,and the European Union will continue to support Lithuania out of solidarity.

It is unlikely that Lithuania will engage in any bilateral talks on Belarus' NPP or will be willing to reach any compromise agreements until the meeting of the parties to the Espoo Convention passes any formal opinion on this matter, Iya Malkina believes.

However, she expressed confidence that there are many sober-minded people who understand the situation and its roots.