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Mikhail Chudakov: Nuclear power plants are the cleanest from the environmental impact point of view

The eleventh international forum and dialogue Nuclear Energy, Ecology, Safety 2016 took place in Moscow. During the forum Russian and foreign experts, representatives of nuclear industry and the general public discussed topical aspects of using nuclear energy. For the first time the forum was organized in association with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor). Problems of developing nuclear energy industry without harming the environment were high on the agenda of the forum. Over 320 experts from 17 countries took part in the forum.

IAEA Deputy Director General Mikhail Chudakov said that just like renewable energy resources nuclear energy industry releases minimal amounts of CO2, BelTA has learned. If no accidents happen, nuclear power plants represent the cleanest source of energy from the environmental point of view. Even if accidents are entered into the equation, the impact of this source of energy on the environment and human health is minimal considering the length of operation of the nuclear power plants in Chernobyl and Fukushima. Unlike the impact of coal-burning power plants and other high-carbon kinds of energy generation because, according to WHO, every year over 7 million people die from diseases directly connected with the heavy metals and CO2 released by the coal-based energy industry in the course of its operation. Unofficial figures are likely to be higher. Such deaths do not happen in nuclear energy industry. Healthcare standards in nuclear energy industry are the highest ones among all the energy industries.

Mikhail Chudakov reminded that every year the nuclear energy industry prevents the release of 2 billion tonnes of CO2. It represents an indisputable contribution to reducing the greenhouse effect and improving the climate. This is why it is no accident that developing nations opt for nuclear energy. At present 30 countries use nuclear power plants and about 30 countries intend to start doing that. Climate improvement is not the only reason. Nuclear power plants are used by the countries intent on achieving sustainable development. They understand that their nuclear energy industry will drive economic development and will create jobs. One nuclear power plant job creates up to 5-6 jobs in allied industries, which are not directly related to nuclear energy industry. The nuclear energy industry also results in new technologies, new enterprises, personnel training and advanced training. It also ensures energy security since the country is no longer dependent on coal and natural gas deliveries. 1kg of uranium fuel produces about 50,000kWh of electricity. If this fuel is reprocessed several times taking into account plutonium 239, then the total energy output may reach 2.5 million kWh per 1kg of fuel. 1kg of coal produces 3-5kWh. The cost of fuel represents 70% of the selling price for electricity in conventional energy industries. In the nuclear energy industry the cost of fuel accounts for only 7% of the selling price. If prices for hydrocarbon fuels are doubled, then the selling price in a conventional energy industry will be doubled. The nuclear energy industry can avoid the same dependence. It is a very important consideration for planning the development of an economy for ten years and more. It is now possible to extend the operating life of a nuclear power plant up to 80 years. It is important for countries to have an energy industry that can handle the basic workload.