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Nuclear energy has become one of the safest industries

The recent achievements in the nuclear energy have made this industry one of the safest, BelTA learnt from Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Commission for Industry, Energy Sector, Transport and Communications of the House of Representatives of Belarus Mikhail Pochinok who has experience in working in the energy sector.

Commenting on Decree No. 499 “Concerning the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant” the MP noted: “Today it does not make sense for Belarus to avoid the construction of its own nuclear power plant. Having no NPP means heavy reliance on one energy source - gas, which means that it is impossible to maintain a stable energy supply in some unforeseen situations. The construction of Belarus’ own nuclear power plant will allow boosting the country’s energy security. More than that, we will get an opportunity to export electric energy,” he said.

Belarus is not rich in traditional energy sources. Today 95% of the country’s energy sector relies on gas imports from Russia. “Of course, diversification of energy sources will allow strengthening the energy security of the country,” the MP said.

Speaking about the opponents of the NPP construction in Belarus, the MP noted: “We should remind them that our state is surrounded by nuclear power plants from all sides. Besides, a new nuclear power plant is being constructed in Kaliningrad; a similar project might be implemented in Lithuania”.