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Nuclear engineering will help Asia-Pacific region solve environmental challenges

In its latest World Energy Outlook 2014, the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that the generation of nuclear power will surge by 60% by 2040. Most of the growth in nuclear capacity, according to the outlook, is to be expected in China, India, Korea, and Russia. However, the share of nuclear power in the world energy balance will edge up by 1% by the year 2040 despite the fact that nuclear power plants are ecologically friendly, do not emit CO2 into the atmosphere and can play an important role in fighting the global warming.

The undeniable advantages of nuclear energy are its cheapness in comparison with traditional energy sources and eco-friendliness. Major nuclear power sources can be built close to economic centers, head of the analytical department of Energocapital (Russia) Alexander Ignatyuk told BelTA. If we talk about the regions where nuclear power is gaining ground the leader is, of course, the Asia-Pacific region, not only because it has many plants under construction but because it has a low base for the development of nuclear engineering.

The Asia-Pacific region is building more nuclear reactors that any other region of the world. At the same time it is the fastest technological growing region. For example, if we talk about the efficiency of steelworks, the South-East Asia has recently completed the full-scale modernization of its biggest steel foundries. The situation in the filed of nuclear energy production is the same: the inefficient and costly capacities are being replaced with efficient nuclear plants. Besides, the Asia-Pacific region has been facing serious environmental problems over the last years. In this regard, the use of nuclear energy can help these countries improve the situation.

If we talk about the position of Russia in the market of nuclear energy, here, in the Asia-Pacific region, it has been able to show itself as a reliable and effective partner. Today the technology offered by Rosatom is one of the best, if not the best in the world. Besides, it should be emphasized that Rosatom was able to position itself as one of the best companies in terms of technology, construction of nuclear power plants, provision of fuel and services not only in Asia but also in the old traditional markets.

Rosatom has become a considerable competitor for European and American companies in their traditional markets. The fact that it has managed to create the image of the most efficient company in the traditional markets allows Rosatom to continue increasing its share in the new markets, first of all, in China and India.