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Nuclear power among the most promising industries in the world


On 28 January the town of Sosnovy Bor hosted the public hearings on the license study materials for operation of Units 1 and 2 of Leningrad NPP which are currently under construction. The public hearings were organized by the administration of the municipal unit "Sosnovoborsky Town District” with the assistance of Rosenergoatom Concern. The hearings highlighted the health and environment safety of the new units, their impact on the radiation situation in the region, the environmental protection measures and many other issues. The license study materials have been developed in strict accordance with the requirements of the Federal Service for Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision of Russia (Rostechnadzor).

The design documentation, engineering research data of the location were used when preparing the license study materials. Account was alsotaken of the suggestions made by the working group for safe operation of cooling towers, which was set up by decision of Rosatom Chairman Sergei Kiriyenko in 2012 to conduct additional analysis of design solutions, and also the comments from the public submitted as part of the public hearings on environmental impact assessment of new units 1 and 2 of Leningrad NPP in October last year.

The country is directly interested in reliable and safe operation of the nuclear power plants, Vladimir Potsiapun, the chairman of the subcommittee on legislative support of nuclear energy of the energy committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, told journalists. The project NPP-2006 represents a standard design of a new-generation Russian nuclear power plant which has power-generating units with improved technical specifications and economic characteristics. The design meets the highest safety and reliability standards. The new power-generating units of the Leningrad NPP, the most powerful and up-to-date facilities of their kind in Russia, are a good example.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that the large-scale construction project is currently in the center of attention of the Russian and international community. This NPP design sells abroad. The new agreements and contracts with Egypt, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Iran, India, and Belarus attest to this. The construction of the Finnish nuclear power plant Hanhikivi was launched with the participation of Russian specialists not long ago. 

Nuclear industry is one of the world’s most promising areas today. Our specialists take on huge responsibility. The Leningrad nuclear power plant, which is currently under construction, is Rosatom’s poster project, in fact. The country’s business image on the international arena will directly depend on the efficiency and safety of works implemented here. Big responsibility is also on the residents of Sosnovy Bor. It was thanks to their support and concern about the future of the town and their families that the construction of replacement power facilities was made possible in Sosnovy Bor.

The construction of the new units will help preserve the level of electric and heat energy production, including for a gradual replacement of the operating capacity of the first stage of the Leningrad nuclear power plant given the end of its working life. It will also secure the production of additional electric energy - up to 32.8 billion kWh a year (four energy units), which will also promote sustainable social and industrial development of the region.