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Nuclear power development will continue across the globe

The development of nuclear power engineering will continue across the globe. The share of nuclear energy in the global energy budget will rise. The opinion was voiced by Valery Yazev, First Deputy Chairman of the Natural Resources, Nature Management, and Ecology Committee of the State Duma of Russia, BelTA has learned.

“Renewable energy and unconventional technologies to extract oil and gas will undoubtedly be developed. But it is likely that alternative energy will replace less ecofriendly kinds of generation but not nuclear energy. For instance, alternative energy may replace coal-fired power generation,” believes the member of the Russian parliament.

“For now we cannot fully switch to renewable energy sources due to several reasons. First, it is still rather expensive to create the facilities to generate alternative energy. Second, alternative energy cannot provide electricity all the time – wind cannot blow and sun cannot shine 24 hours a day. Therefore, it is wiser to rely on a certain combination of different kinds of generation in the energy budget. Nuclear energy can be used as the basic energy provider while renewable energy sources can be used as supporting providers,” explained the MP.

Valery Yazev also remarked that the share of nuclear energy in the global energy budget will surely rise. “Primarily thanks to European countries – Czechia, Hungary, Finland, Sweden – which have repeatedly stated their plans to increase power generation using nuclear power plants. Apart from that, it will be done thanks to developing nations, for which nuclear energy presents opportunities for a quality breakthrough in economy. Undoubtedly, the Asian market will develop, in particular, India, China, Vietnam,” the First Deputy Chairman of the Natural Resources, Nature Management, and Ecology Committee of the State Duma of Russia is convinced.

Nuclear power engineering is living through a new age and Russia plays an increasingly leading role in the development of nuclear technologies, the parliamentarian underlined. In his opinion, the fact that serious events in the area of nuclear power engineering are held in Russia more and more often confirms it.

“A European conference on research reactors took place in Russia a short while ago. In late June Saint Petersburg will welcome a ministerial conference Nuclear Power in the 21st Century arranged by the IAEA. I think the largest event in the global nuclear industry will confirm that the post-Fukushima break is over and the development of nuclear power engineering and nuclear technologies in the world will continue,” concluded Valery Yazev.