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Nuclear power plant to secure technological breakthrough in Belarus

The construction of the nuclear power plant will allow Belarus to secure a technological breakthrough. The statement was made by Professor Nikolai Mezhevich, Doctor of Economics from the Saint Petersburg State University, during the session of the Russian-Belarusian expert club in the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow on 30 September, BelTA has learned.

Nikolai Mezhevich noted that apart from the obvious economic effect the construction of a nuclear power plant of its own will allow Belarus to transition to a new level of technology. The construction of a nuclear power plant will give Belarus experience of using 21st century technologies, which will later permeate all the other spheres of the economy, said the expert. 

In his words, the construction of the nuclear power plant will also encourage the development of higher education in Belarus. Apart from that, the country will be able to export services of highly qualified specialists with experience of building a nuclear power plant. According to the scientist, Belarusian nuclear industry specialists will be able to work later at facilities of the Russian nuclear industry corporation Rosatom in third countries.

Nikolai Mezhevich also noted that when the IAEA greenlights the construction of a nuclear power plant in a country, the agency evaluates the country’s capability to accomplish the project. “The approval indicates that Belarus’ technological and economic development level is already above the average. Apart from that, Belarus has political stability,” stated the Russian expert.