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Rosatom still ‘an engine of the Russian economy’


The nuclear power plant equipment procurement division of the Russian state corporation Rosatom and OAO Power Machines have signed a package of contracts for the delivery of turbine plants for three new power-generating units, which are being built as part of the nuclear power plants Bushehr (Iran) Kudankulam (India), and Kursk 2 (Russia). The total value of the contracts stands at Br122 billion.

Igor Igoshin, member of the Economic Policy, Innovative Development, and Entrepreneurship Committee of the Russian State Duma, told media that the signing of the contracts with Power Machines represents a step in the Russian nuclear industry’s strategy aimed at supporting Russian manufacturers and substituting imports, BelTA has learned.

Rosatom will be able to buy products at competitive prices, securing its competitive position on foreign markets in addition to saving government funds in nuclear power plant construction projects on the home market. For Power Machines the contracts represent a solid piece of work that will definitely earn money. The contracts will keep the manufacturing enterprises busy. They will allow developing skills in the area of nuclear industry equipment construction, resulting in a higher potential on the market in the end.

By promptly turning its attention to foreign markets in view of the falling demand for new energy installations inside the country, Rosatom remains dedicated to working with Russian companies as an engine of the Russian economy.