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Russian general contractor’s work on Belarusian nuclear station project praised

The Belarusian Energy Ministry is fully satisfied with the work the Russian general contractor Atomstroyexport does to build the Belarusian nuclear power plant. There are no problems in relations between the customer of the project to build Belarus’ first nuclear power plant and the general contractor, BelTA learned from Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk.

Construction proceeds on schedule. Work on two power-generating units is now in progress. The project has sufficient funding. Over 3,000 Russian and Belarusian construction workers are employed at the construction site. In accordance with the project implementation plan more construction workers will be employed by the end of 2015.

Representatives of the Belarusian side and the general contractor (ZAO Atomstroyexport) regularly meet for coordinating conferences to discuss progress in the project’s implementation, emerging routine issues, matters concerning the quality of construction, safe industrial practices, with the necessary decisions made. The personnel of the general contractor and subcontractors are supplied with well-furnished homes.

The sides manage to handle the issues that concern the construction of the nuclear power plant and are caused by changes of the macroeconomic situation in Russia.

According to Mikhail Mikhadyuk, mass media comments stating that the project’s economy has been shaken by changes of the Russian ruble’s exchange rate against the euro after statements made by Andrei Barkun, Deputy Director General, Head of the Capital Construction Office of the state enterprise Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, are incorrect. The official said that Andrei Barkun was referring not to the general contractor — ZAO Atomstroyexport — but to some suppliers of foreign-made (not Russian) equipment.

It is true that these suppliers have run into problems after the exchange rates of the currencies changed that much. It would be cheaper for them to pay forfeit penalties than honor the contracts, prices in which are in Russian rubles. On the other hand, if the contracts had to be terminated, new tenders would have to be arranged, the construction progress would be delayed and the project would likely cost more. The enterprise Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant and ZAO Atomstroyexport are now working out concerted solutions.

Specialists believe that the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant may be recognized as exemplary in many parameters primarily thanks to the open cooperation and mutual understanding that the customer and the contractor enjoy.