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Russian NPPs reliable and safe

Russian nuclear power plants are reliable and safe, which is confirmed by independent domestic (Rostekhnadzor) and international organizations that conduct regular inspections of Russian nuclear facilities, head of the engineering and technical support of the Kalinin NPP Oleg Chaban told reporters, BelTA has learned.

“In terms of the reliability of nuclear power plants, Russia has advanced to the second position in the group of countries with developed nuclear industry. Russia left behind countries like the United States, Great Britain and Germany. The high level of security is maintained using numerous instruments. The Fukushima accident prompted Russia to dramatically revise approaches to nuclear safety and to reinforce protection of nuclear facilities from the impact of external factors, including the factors that were thought to be impossible. Rosenergoatom analyzed the Fukushima accident in the earnest way and on the highest level. The decision to place mobile equipment near nuclear power plants was well-thought-out and reasonable. It made an invaluable contribution to the protection of nuclear power plants from external shocks,” Oleg Chaban said.

In his words, few countries opted for such costly solutions in order to enhance nuclear security.

Oleg Chaban noted that beyond design-basis events are constantly analyzed at the Kalinin NPP in line with the Rostekhnadzor regulations, rules and requirements. The events beyond design safety basis analysis is constantly updated taking into consideration the changing operation terms (including an increased capacity of reactor facilities by 104%), and the tougher requirements of Rostekhnadzor. The capacity buildup to 104% was done in compliance with all the effective safety requirements. The capacity buildup is not detrimental to equipment reliability, as the project provides for considerable safety reserves that were confirmed by numerous studies conducted by various nuclear research centers. The capacity buildup does not result in higher pressure inside the reactor, and the temperature rises by about 1 degree. This change is insignificant and does not have any impact on equipment and systems.

“The program to increase the capacity of the reactor up to 104% of its nominal value has already kicked off at energy unit No.1. Some people fear that the program is not feasible, as the energy unit has been in operation for 30 years. However, energy unit No.1 cannot be called “exhausted”. The extension of the operating life is the result of a huge amount of work to check the systems and structural materials, to upgrade and replace equipment and structural parts of the NPP. Due to these efforts, we can fully meet all modern safety requirements,” Oleg Chaban said.