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Russian nuclear station designs ‘most successful worldwide’

Russian designs of nuclear power plants have been recognized most successful across the globe from the point of view of safety and the money spent on building and operating the power plants. The opinion was voiced by Alexander Ignatyuk, Director of the Information and Analysis Office of ZAO Investment Company Energokapital, in an interview with BelTA.

“Nowadays one can say with confidence that the Russian nuclear corporation Rosatom is a synergy of many years of tradition in the area of reliable nuclear technology and the latest effective nuclear solutions. In essence Rosatom is a successful product of one of the largest reforms ever launched in the nuclear power engineering industry for the sake of not just major modernization but a total rethinking of the entire system of nuclear cycle enterprises and installations that had been inherited from the Soviet Union,” stressed the expert.

“If we talk about reliability, Rosatom is today’s brand No. 1 as far as the safety of building and running a nuclear power plant is concerned. These conclusions are supported both by Russian and foreign specialists, who regularly monitor nuclear industry enterprises. On the other hand, the fact that after the tragic events in Japan and large-scale audits of the entire international nuclear industry the Russian nuclear holding company was the first one to get orders for new nuclear power plants may be the best confirmation of Rosatom’s success in the international scene,” remarked Alexander Ignatyuk.

At present Rosatom is busy building up to 18 nuclear reactors abroad in Belarus, Turkey, China, India, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, and Slovakia. Negotiations on building 33 more nuclear reactors are underway. China, India, and Iran have contacted Rosatom with repeat orders.
Tags: NPPreactorRussiasafety