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Surikov: Belarus and Russia do not rule out the possibility of increasing BelNPP’s output

Belarus and Russia do not rule out the possibility of increasing the output capacity of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, BelTA learned from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus Alexander Surikov on 26 May.

The diplomat said: “Calculations have been made. If the situation and the markets for selling electricity and associated heat evolve in a normal manner, the space for building two more reactors to double the output capacity is available because the geographical conditions are most favorable here. The entire infrastructure will be available. Two operational reactors will work. It will be possible to think about expanding the power plant.”

According to the ambassador, the relevant negotiations took place even before the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant began. “There was talk about it when the strategic concept for the construction project was formulated. Theoretical background for the idea is available but no negotiations are in progress now because it is necessary to finish the first two units. It is necessary to commission the current project and think about future later,” remarked Alexander Surikov.

Speaking about the Russian government’s plans to devalue the Russian ruble, the ambassador remarked that the move will not make the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant more expensive. “The project will be implemented. Some people had some doubts regarding various aspects of consequent operation and energy sales. But now there is 100% confidence that everything will be implemented fine and will have a positive effect for Belarus,” he said.

The ambassador stressed that Belarus needs an installation like the nuclear power plant. “Not only from the point of view of fuel diversification but from the point of view of the latest technologies, which are based on the nuclear foundation. The nuclear power plant will bring about new professions and a totally new high-tech industry. The nuclear power plant will improve living standards in the region. Besides, it will also serve as an example for building high-tech installations in the future, not only nuclear ones,” he stated.

The project is positively thought of in Russia. “We understand that Belarus is our closest ally, a brother and a friend, this is why we do our utmost to finish the construction as fast as possible and to make the installation secure,” stated the Russian ambassador.

Speaking about Lithuanian complaints, Alexander Surikov noted that they are received with a smile in Russia. “It is no secret that the Visaginas nuclear power plant was supposed to be built nearby to replace the Ignalina nuclear power plant. The project would employ Japanese technologies but after the Fukushima accident they couldn’t find an investor. It was a great economic loss for the region,” he explained.

About 25 diplomats, who are accredited in Belarus, came to visit the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant on 26 May. The number includes heads of diplomatic missions and charges d’affaires. In particular, ambassadors of Russia, the UAE, Palestine, the UK, Turkey, Germany, Ukraine, Serbia, Romania, and Turkmenistan were getting familiar with the Belarusian nuclear power plant construction progress. Diplomats from Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Japan, Hungary, the USA, and Netherlands also came to Ostrovets.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant is a project to build a new-generation nuclear power plant with two VVER-1200 type reactors (1,200MW each) 18km away from Ostrovets, Grodno Oblast. The first power-generating unit is scheduled for commissioning in 2019, with the second one to go online in 2020.
Tags: constructioncooperationNPPRussia