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World energy industry is aimed at reduction of hydrocarbon energy sources use

Alternative energy in Russia is something hardly understandable in terms of economic efficiency now, Konstantin Maikov, a Russian expert, told media, BelTA informs. "World energy industry has a clear focus on reducing the use of hydrocarbon energy sources. Russia, due to saturation of fossil natural resources, does not pose such a goal for now. However, limited natural reserves of hydrocarbons in the 20 years prospect will force Russia to follow the developed countries. It will be easier for Russia to implement alternative energy plans in the future, as it will take advantages from the most successful experience. But Russia will not become a leader in this field in the coming years", he said.

According to him, Russian nuclear energy is the most competitive one. "The accumulated considerable experience relies on the Soviet legacy. Some countries have stopped their nuclear programs, and thanks to that Russia will continue to be a leader in the nuclear industry for a long time," the expert underlined.