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Zakrevsky: Ashgabat forum is a good opportunity to voice national energy interests

The Ashgabat International Energy Charter Forum is an important political framework for articulating the national interests regarding the regional development of the energy market, Belarus’ Deputy Energy Minister Vadim Zakrevsky told BelTA on the sidelines of the Ashgabat International Energy Charter Forum “Towards a Multilateral Framework Agreement on Transit of Energy Resources” on 30 May.

The deputy minister stressed that Belarus is implementing a number of energy projects, a key one being the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. He drew attention to the importance of the compatibility of the projects with the partners from other countries and effective cooperation with them. “Ashgabat International Energy Charter Forum is a good opportunity to discuss these and many other issues related to the multilateral framework agreement on transit of energy resources,” Vadim Zakrevsky noted.

Belarus is ready to discuss all topics concerning both energy and the construction of the nuclear power plant. The deputy minister also stressed the important role of Belarus as a transit state and a reliable partner.

The focus of the forum is on the development of the  multilateral framework agreement on international transit of energy resources.

The forum also addresses operational, regulatory and legal aspects of energy transit, including natural gas, oil and electricity. It will bring together government officials, representatives of international organizations, industry and academic institutions to discuss existing challenges and opportunities stemming from cross-border energy flows.

Turkmenistan is one of the key players on the gas market in the Caspian region and Central Asia. The main consumers of gas from Turkmenistan are China and Iran.