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Information center on nuclear power to be set up in Minsk in 2014


An information center on nuclear power will be set up in Belarus. The relevant memorandum was signed by Education Minister of Belarus Sergei Maskevich and Rosatom Director General Sergei Kiriyenko at the 6th international forum Atomexpo 2014 in Moscow on 9 June. It is expected that the information center will open in 2014.

Sergei Maskevich views as important that the information center on nuclear power will be housed at the national center of students’ technical creativity. “It will help involve the Belarusian youth more in technical creativity. I am confident that the center on nuclear power in Minsk with be the best one,” he noted. According to the minister, the opening of the center is important for Belarus at the current stage. “Increased interest in paid in our country to the NPP project. The work on the nuclear power plant involves many companies, research laboratories and institutes, and universities of Belarus. We are satisfied with the level of cooperation between both scientists and specialists. I would like to take a special note on the interuniversity cooperation in personnel training,” he said.

Belarus and Russia promote comprehensive cooperation across the entire life cycle of nuclear energy. The cycle includes the construction of the nuclear power plant, the development of science, personnel training, and nuclear fuel provision. The statement was made by Rosatom head Sergei Kiriyenko. “An open dialogue with the general public, the provision of transparent and open information about nuclear power plants and peaceful uses of nuclear energy on the whole represent an important part of the development of nuclear energy infrastructure. It is the goal that will be achieved by the creation of the nuclear energy information center in Belarus,” said Sergei Kiriyenko.

Taking part in AtomExpo 2014 were about 3,550 delegates from 600 organizations, including 283 foreign companies. Over 40 countries were represented.