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Academies of Sciences of Belarus, Russia to meet in autumn


The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) and the Russian Academy of Sciences will hold a joint meeting in autumn 2013, acting Chairman of the NASB Presidium Vladimir Gusakov said during the press tour for the representatives of the Russian, Belarusian and the Union State mass media highlighting the Union State common education space and the organization of the educational and research process on 18 June.

The first meeting of the two academies will be held in autumn with the participation of new President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov. The participants of the event are set to discuss the ways of expanding cooperation between the academies of the two countries. “We are glad that the Russian Academy of Sciences has elected its new president. We count on further development of cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sceinces,” Vladimir Gusakov said.

Vladimir Gusakov also touched upon the reformation of the academy of sciences. “Science is the area where reforms should be well-thought. Sharp measures bring more harm than benefits as it leads to brain drain,” he said.

In his words, it does not mean the academy of sciences does not need perfection. Such establishments should develop as research and manufacturing associations. The main areas should comprise a comprehensive modernization of institutes, renewal of the instrument base and attraction of investments.
Tags: cooperationRussiascience