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Access to 41 websites restricted by Belarusian Information Ministry in 2015

In 2015 the Belarusian Information Ministry restricted access to 41 websites, BelTA learned from Belarusian Information Minister Lilia Ananich on 4 February.

Lilia Ananich said: “In 2015 decisions were made to restrict access to 41 information resources available online. Access to four of them was restored after the detected violations were fixed.”

According to the source, among other reasons access to the websites was restricted for the distribution of extremist materials, information meant to facilitate sales of narcotics, for improper advertising of medications, children pornography propaganda, and for advertising alcohol beverages.

Apart from that, 36 warnings were issued to printed mass media.

“The Information Ministry will continue insisting that all players on the information field must observe the law. If necessary, access to websites, which operation runs contrary to national interests, will be restricted,” stressed the Information Minister.
Tags: safetytechnologies