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Alexander Shumilin: Belarusian science should help bring about cutting-edge enterprises

In conditions of rising international competition in the economic sphere Belarusian researchers should do their best to contribute to the creation of new enterprises of the 5th and 6th technological paradigms and the formation of the high-tech sector of the national economy. The statement was made by Alexander Shumilin, Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee, during the information day in the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Committee’s press service told BelTA.

The establishment of new high-tech manufacturing is an urgent task of modernization of the Belarus economy. “Apart from borrowing state-of-the-art foreign R&D products it has to be done by improving the legal framework, encouraging active turnover, transfer, and commercialization of R&D efforts inside Belarus, for instance, nano and biotechnology products as well as results achieved during the implementation of investment and innovation projects,” stressed Alexander Shumilin.

Alexander Shumilin also informed about measures meant to raise the effectiveness of innovation efforts in the area of international cooperation. He singled out two avenues, for which measures are being taken, primarily organizational ones. The first avenue represents Belarus’ innovations within the framework of the Union State of Belarus and Russia via the fulfillment of ten joint programs. The second avenue is Belarus’ innovation efforts in cooperation with non-CIS states, including through participation in the European Union’s framework program.

As part of the previous, seventh framework program for science and innovations of the European Union (2007-2013, with the budget of €53 billion) as many as 66 Belarusian research teams took part in 55 projects with the budget for the Belarusian side as large as about €4.4 million. In January 2014 the European Union launched another framework program for science and innovations for the period of 2014-2020 (Horizon 2020). The new program’s budget is about €80 billion. The fact makes the program the European Union’s biggest program for supporting science and innovations. The activity of participation of Belarusian organizations in the new program has increased.
Tags: science