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Alferov Foundation, Belarus’ Academy of Sciences organize contest for young scientists

The Alferov Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) have organized a contest for young scientists, the NASB press service told BelTA.

This year’s contest will focus on biology, chemistry, healthcare, agrarian science and Earth sciences. Young scientists are invited to submit their applications for this year’s joint award of the Alferov Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus by 1 November 2015.

Applications are accepted from research teams ranging from one person (preferably) to three persons. A special commission has been set up to evaluate the applications for the joint award for young scientists. The winner will get $2,500 in Belarusian rubles.

The Alferov Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus instituted the award for research projects and inventions of value for fundamental and applied science on 5 June 2014. The award is supposed to encourage young Belarusian scientists under 35. The initiative was put forward by Zhores Alferov, a Nobel Prize winner, Vice President and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

For the sake of covering all areas of research as much as possible research fields are divided into three sections, which are rotated in a three-year cycle. One of the sections includes physics, math, informatics, physics technology sciences. The other sections include biology, chemistry, healthcare, agrarian sciences, Earth sciences and humanitarian researches relating to natural sciences.

BelTA reported earlier that the young Belarusian scientist Alexei Trukhanov of the NASB’s Material Science Research and Practice Center won the 2014 award of the Alferov Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The award was bestowed for the research project “Multiple-layer filmy, nanosized and composite materials for shielding microelectronics from natural and artificial magnetic and electromagnetic fields”.
Tags: science