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Archaeologists unearth unique finds on Castle Hill in Mstislavl

Archaeologists speculate they found a prince's court during the excavations on the Castle Hill in Mstislavl, BelTA learnt from the supervisor of the excavations, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Igor Marzalyuk.

"We make this conclusion based on a large quantity of unique and very valuable objects we found here such as a 12th-century birchbark manuscript, many elements of ancient weapons, leather clothing, shoes and rich decorations. Among them is a spindle whorl with an inscription in Cyrillic, a leather belt of a warrior, a gold-painted Byzantine wine bowl. Yesterday we found an encolpyon and a large crystal bead,” said Igor Marzalyuk.

According to the second version, which the archaeologists are also considering, this might be the site of a jewelry workshop. They hope that by the end of the excavations, which will continue until the beginning of the Knights Festival in Mstislavl (26 July), some of these versions will be confirmed.

According to Igor Marzalyuk, after all the works are over the site of excavations will be turned into a museum object. It wil be open to public during the Knights Festival. There will be an exposition of the most valuable objects found during the excavations on the Castle Hill.
Tags: science