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Areas of expertise for China-Belarus Industrial Park chosen

The administration of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone has chosen about 15 areas of expertise for its resident companies, representatives of the administration told BelTA.

In line with Council of Ministers executive order No. 956 of 9 October 2014 the administration has chosen about 15 areas of expertise that came into effect as from 1 November.

The number includes the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products, production of office equipment and computers, medical instruments, means of measurement, optical devices and equipment, clocks and watches. Apart from that, the Great Stone industrial park will focus on R&D efforts in electronics, pharmaceutics, fine chemistry, mechanical engineering, biotechnologies and new materials.

So far two resident companies have been registered: the limited liability company Bel Huawei Technologies (created by the Chinese corporation Huawei) and the limited liability company Telecommunication Equipment Factory. In line with the contract signed by OOO Bel Huawei Technologies the company intends to implement an investment project to create a Huawei R&D center. Telecommunication Equipment Factory has been founded by the Chinese corporation ZTE. The company intends to start manufacturing telecommunication equipment for mobile carriers and wired telephony service providers, components of transport systems, production of electric transport and combined sources of energy.

The China-Belarus Industrial Park is a territorial unit with a special legal regime meant to enable comfortable conditions for doing business. The park's foundation ceremony took place on 19 June 2014. The park's concept provides for creating a convenient infrastructure for developing business, granting a considerable tax respite to participants of the project for a lengthy period of time, and providing a set of services to residents of the park. The priority business avenues of the park include the development of fine chemistry, biomedicine, electronics industry, mechanical engineering.

The park is located in Smolevichi District, Minsk Oblast 25km away from Minsk in the immediate proximity to an international airport, the railway network, and the transnational motorway Berlin-Moscow. There are plans to set up manufacturing and residential zones in the park, office premises, trade and entertainment ones, a financial center and an R&D center.