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Austria’s Bertsch Energy mulling over six projects in Belarus

The Austrian company Bertsch Energy is considering a possibility of implementing six projects in Belarus, the Energy Ministry of Belarus told BelTA learnt quoting Vice President of the Federation of Austrian Industries Executive Director of Bertsch Holding Company Hubert Bertsch as saying.

In his words, Bertsch Energy is currently considering an opportunity to implement six big projects in Belarus.

Bertsch Holding Company is a family business founded in 1925. It is one of the world’s leaders in the production of boiler and energy equipment.

Not long ago the Austrian delegation led by President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Christoph Leitl and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria to the Russian Federation with concurrent accreditation to Belarus Margot Klestil-Loffler paid a visit to the Energy Ministry of Belarus. At the meeting with First Deputy Energy Minister Leonid Shenets the parties discussed the issues of mutually beneficial cooperation. In particular, there were voiced Belarus’ plans to enhance energy efficiency and develop renewable energy resources, including a wide use of biomass.

“The experience of our Austrian counterparts can be very useful for Belarus,” the Energy Ministry is sure. According to Christoph Leitl, Austria is part of the European Union that focuses on alternative energy resources. “In our country there is a great number of hydropower plants. We also make a big use of biomass, solar and wind energy. All told, over 30% of the count’s energy needs are satisfied by alternative energy resources,” he noted. The President of the Chamber stressed that Austria has gained invaluable experience in this area and is ready to share it with other countries.