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Azerbaijan-Belarus cooperation in information technologies, space technologies suggested


Azerbaijan is interested in Belarus’ experience of creating and using space industry technologies. The statement was made by Communications and Information Technologies Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Abbasov as he met with Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich on 23 April, BelTA has learned.

Azerbaijan thinks highly of the results of the project to create and launch the Belarusian satellite for the remote sensing of the Earth and is interested in studying the experience. “Our intentions involve sharing the experience, results, the joint development of innovative technologies and projects for space exploration,” explained the Communications and Information Technologies Minister.

Apart from that, Azerbaijan is ready to promote cooperation with Belarus in the area of information and communication technologies. Interest is strong in joint projects involving the Hi-Tech Park of Belarus. There are plans to discuss prospects and opportunities for stepping up cooperation with the Hi-Tech Park soon.

At the meeting Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich said that Belarus-Azerbaijan cooperation develops rather fast, joint programs and projects are fulfilled. “The spirit of our cooperation is very benevolent. Trusting relations have evolved between us at all government levels starting with the heads of state, governments, ministers and ending with enterprises of the two countries,” he said. Mikhail Myasnikovich mentioned the interest in advancing partnership with Azerbaijan in the area of information and communication technologies. This area is a priority for Belarus.

In January-February 2013 Belarus-Azerbaijan trade totaled $33.7 million, 13.1% up from January-February 2012. Belarus’ export totaled $31.6 million (12.3% up), with import at $2.1 million (26% up). Belarus’ surplus in its trade with Azerbaijan amounted to $29.5 million.

Belarusian tractors, trucks, automobile cranes, municipal vehicles, optical equipment are assembled in Azerbaijan. Several investment projects involving Azerbaijani investments in logistics, trade, and public catering are in progress in Belarus. In 2012 Belarus attracted $13.8 million in direct investments from Azerbaijan.