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Belarus’ accession to UN Space Committee recommended for inclusion in UNGA agenda


The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space has reviewed the issue of Belarus’ accession to the organization and has recommended to include this item in the agenda of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, BelTA learnt from Chief Academic Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) Sergei Kilin.

The 56th session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space is running in the Vienna International Center in Austria. Belarus’ delegation is also in attendance. The delegation is headed by Sergei Kilin, who has updated the session participants on space research in Belarus.

According to Sergei Kilin, Belarus is ready to support international cooperation and integration aimed at the peaceful use of outer space. “Belarus affirms that it fully supports the principles and treaties of the UN concerning the peaceful use of outer space,” he added. Belarus has signed and ratified the Outer Space Treaty, the Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Space Liability Convention and the Convention on Registration of Launched Objects into Outer Space.

Peaceful space research fully complies with the National Space Program of Belarus. A draft program for 2013-2017 has been drawn up, too.

The program has resulted in the creation of the Space System of Earth Remote Sensing which includes a ground control complex and the Belarusian Space Vehicle (BKA). Belarus has laid the groundwork for the creation and development of modern space, information and communication technologies. The groundwork for professional airspace education has been laid, too.

The launch of the BKA on 22 July 2012 has let Belarus join international bodies and projects aimed at peaceful use of outer space. The flight tests have confirmed the declared technical characteristics, the quality of the space images received from the BKA and their availability for the implementation of various applied problems and the introduction of services that provide earth remote sensing information.

Work is underway to create a National Satellite Communication and Broadcasting System on the basis of the Belarusian geosynchronous satellite. Other plans include the creation of a navigation and timing system jointly with Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan and the creation and development of personnel, R&D, organizational and regulatory support of space research and other activities.

A great deal of space research in Belarus is carried out by over 20 scientific and industrial organizations. Belarus produces hardware and its components and finished systems that are used to produce space equipment. Sergei Klin said that their assortment has been steadily increasing. Flights of space vehicles that use Belarusian technologies and are equipped with Belarusian hardware have been successful, too. Russia’s Federal Space Agency Roscosmos is Belarus’ strategic partner in this area.

Belarus maintains close cooperation in the filed of space research with the neighboring countries. Belarus has signed intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in research and the peaceful use of space with Russia and Ukraine. The relevant intergovernmental agreement with the National Space Agency of Kazakhstan is being negotiated, too.

Belarus has also carried out work to introduce the system of standardization in the sphere of space research. The standards are based on methodology and principles that comply with the requirements of the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS). Belarus is also working towards developing a system to train staff for space research.

Belarus enjoys a rich and long history of space research. The country is proud of scientist Boris Kit, cosmonauts Piotr Klimuk, Vladimir Kovalyonok and Oleg Novitsky. The Belarusian space devices and equipment were used as part of different orbital stations, including the ISS, Sergei Kilin noted.