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Belarus, Brazil considering joint survey, development of hydrocarbons in Ecuador


The industrial group Belorusneft is considering the possibility of cooperating with the group of Brazilian companies Grupo Georadar and Sabre in the geologic exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits in Ecuador, the Belorusneft press service told BelTA.

The idea was prompted by the visit of a Brazilian delegation to a Belorusneft enterprise. During the visit the guests were made familiar with the scientific, technical, technological and manufacturing potential of Belorusneft. They were able to examine Belorusneft’s business interests in detail such as surveying, prospecting and development of subsurface resources, oil industry service, methods to increase oil recovery, oil and gas transportation, gas processing.

If cooperation is approved, studying geological, geophysical, and economic information about assets in southeastern Ecuador, which are owned by the state oil company Petroamazonas EP, will be the first joint project.

BelTA reported earlier that in early 2013 the first Belarusian field seismic party started working in Ecuador. The Belarusian specialists provide support for seismic survey operations of the Ecuadorian company Areasurvey S.A. There are plans to start up two seismic survey teams in the Ecuadorian branch of Belorusneft. The branch was registered in late December 2012 simultaneously with the daughter enterprise Service Oil.

In 2012 President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko was in Ecuador on an official visit. During the visit agreements on cooperation in oil industry were made to further business contacts between oil companies of the two countries.

The industrial group Belorusneft was founded in 1966. It is part of the Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim. The company specializes in surveying, prospecting and development of oil fields, well drilling, oil and associated petroleum gas extraction.