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Belarus, Ecuador to produce UAVs together

Belarus and Ecuador will produce unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) together, Ecuador President Rafael Correa said in an interview with the World View program on RTR Belarus TV channel, BelTA has learned.

“We design and produce the first Ecuadorean engines together with Belarus. We need to buy Mi helicopters. Instead of buying them, we could set up our own factory. All the more so because these helicopters are used by many countries in our region. At least, we need a training and maintenance center. We have already agreed to assemble unmanned aerial vehicles with Belarus,” Rafael Correa said.

In his words, Ecuador needs scientific projects and production technologies. Belarus can help Ecuador by not only selling freight vehicles but also by setting up a plant here. “Apart from that, Belarus helps us in many fields of strategic importance such as electrical grids, geological and oil exploration,” the President of Ecuador noted.

For example, Belorusneft and the Ecuadorean state-run company Petroamazonas take part in the exploration of oil deposits. If the results are successful, we will start oil production. “We have never had problems with Belorusneft so far, and are very glad that such an influential Belarusian enterprise is working in our country,” Rafael Correa stressed.

The same cannot be said about the American oil extracting company Chevron which oil mining made colossal damage to Ecuador in the previous decade. However, now the company denies its responsibility.