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Belarus, Estonia mull over joint commission for economic, sci-tech cooperation


A Belarusian-Estonian mixed commission for economic and sci-tech cooperation may be set up this year, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Estonia to Belarus Jaak Lensment as he met with Gomel Oblast Governor Vladimir Dvornik in Gomel on 15 May.

“Now we are busy with creating all necessary framework conditions for economic relations. We may do it this year. Contacts with the Foreign Ministry have recently intensified,” the Estonian diplomat said.

The Ambassador believes that economic cooperation with Belarus in general and its regions in particular should get momentum. “We have every condition for it. We are interested in all the projects connected with transit and transportation of your products via our ports,” Mr Lensment noted.

While in Gomel Oblast, the Estonian diplomat has visited Vetka District and is expected to attend the Gomel Economic Forum on 17 May. “The forthcoming forum is very much important. The industrial potential of the oblast is of great interest to us,” he stressed.