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Belarus, India to arrange seminars on cyber security, nanotechnologies

Belarus and India intend to arrange two joint science and practice seminars in 2015 in the fields both countries believe to be promising: information technologies and cyber security, nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, BelTA learned from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to India Vitaly Prima.

“In order to demonstrate the best of the scientific and innovative potential that Belarus has been actively increasing recently the sides are working to organize full-scale Belarusian Science Days in India in 2015 as part of the India International Trade Fair,” said the Ambassador.

According to the diplomat, great prospects are opening up for Belarus-India cooperation in education. “I believe that inviting foreign students to study in Belarus is an important component in the effort to promote Belarus’ interests abroad. If a person spends 4-5 years studying the country, he or she will understand the country better, will have knowledge and experience that he or she will be able to use for the benefit of the two countries. As an open economy country Belarus is interested in exporting services, including education. Residents of India show interest in Belarusian education services, although not many of them,” said Vitaly Prima.

According to the Ambassador, the Indian government is now implementing the program Skilled India. Belarus could take part in it. “India has a huge potential and human resources but not everyone here can get or want university degree education. The development of vocational training is the way out. Belarus offers its assistance in this regard. In various states of India it is possible to set up vocational training centers that will use Belarusian curricula, technologies, and accomplishments,” said Vitaly Prima.