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Belarus initiating old battery processing factory construction

Belarus is initiating the construction of a factory to process old batteries, BelTA learned from Belarusian Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Minister Vladimir Tsalko on 6 October prior to the session of the CIS Interstate Ecological Council in Minsk, BelTA has learned.

The official said that during the session Belarus intends to raise the matter of getting used batteries and accumulators processed. “In particular, we will initiate the deliberation of the proposal in favor of building a factory to process old batteries in Belarus or maybe Russia,” said Vladimir Tsalko.

According to the Minister, the processing of used batteries is a very topical matter for Belarus where tonnes of this kind of waste have piled up while their processing, neutralization, and utilization remain an open issue.

The session of the CIS Interstate Ecological Council, which was established in May 2013, took place in Minsk on 6 October 2014 for the first time. Participants of the session were expected to analyze the fulfillment of CIS intergovernmental agreements on ecology and environmental protection, consider problems and prospects of future cooperation, discuss the operation of the Council in 2015-2016. Apart from that, there are plans to discuss the interaction with the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety Sciences. Taking part in the session were representatives of nature protection agencies and ministries of Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and the CIS Executive Committee.
Tags: constructionecologysafety