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Belarus injects about Br1 trillion in innovative transport projects in 2014

Belarus injected almost Br1 trillion in innovative transport and communications projects in 2014, Transport and Communications Minister of Belarus Anatoly Sivak said at the final session of the board of the ministry in Orsha on 5 February, BelTA has learned.

Last year specialists of the industry implemented a number of high-profile infrastructure projects. The project to renovate the operating complex of the National Airport Minsk and to build a modern international passenger transit terminal was in the full swing. The project to renovate the complex of the National Airport Minsk helped create a single zone for the preflight inspection of passengers. The throughput capacity of the airport increased from 3 million to 5.8 million passengers per year.

The 86km road section between Zhlobin and Gomel was built as part of the project to renovate the M5 Minsk-Gomel motorway implemented within the framework of the program Roads of Belarus for 2006-2015. Besides, the 6.8km road section of the P23 Minsk-Mikashevichi motorway was opened after reconstruction.

The minister emphasized that in line with the instructions of the head of state the construction of the second ring road in Minsk was resumed in March 2014, regular railway communication with the National Airport Minsk was launched in November.

The majority of investment projects are implemented as part of the national and industry-specialized projects. The first section of the railway checkpoint Bigosovo was commissioned in accordance with the program to develop railway border checkpoints at the state border designed to run in 2007-2020. In line with the program to develop internal water and marine transport for 2011-2015, Belarusian specialists continued the renovation of hydraulic facilities of the Dnieper-Bug Canal, erect the Zaluzye shipping lock. The upgrade of the Zhirovichi Canal and the relocation of the Brest river port were finished.

The program to develop automobile transport for 2011-2015 envisages the renewal of vehicles. Last year Belarusian transport companies purchased 467 buses. Anatoly Sivak also deems it necessary to raise the efficiency of the existing fleet.

As part of the national innovative development program for 2011-2015, measures were taken to electrify railway sections Gomel – Zhlobin – Osipovichi and Zhlobin – Kalinkovichi, a railway section Molodechno – Gudogai – the state border of the Republic of Belarus in 2014. Thirteen projects included in the industry-specialized innovative development program for 2011-2015 were launch, two of them were completed.

“Apart from the innovative projects connected with the improvement of the transport infrastructure, the innovative activities of the Transport Ministry are focused on the development of new efficient technologies and materials,” the minister said.

In 2014 Belarusian builders renovated the М5/Е271 Minsk – Gomel motorway section and laid the top dressing of the Р21 Vitebsk – the border of the Russian Federation (Liozno) motorway. The new dressing will increase the durability of the motorway two times.