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Belarus interested in joint production of nanomaterials with S. Korea


Belarus would like to set up a joint venture in the field of nanomaterials together with the Republic of Korea, Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus Alexander Shumilin told reporters answering a question of a BelTA journalist on 20 November.

According to Alexander Shumilin, Belarus and the Republic of Korea already have joint solutions in nanomaterials and would like to keep working on them. The Republic of Korea has expertise and knowledge in commercializing scientific solutions.

Alexander Shumilin informed that research facilities and universities of the two countries are running five R&D projects, including “Formation and study of ferromagnetic semiconducting thin films to be used in spintronics”, “Mesomechanical principles of creating stable composite materials by means of nano-precipitation hardening of metal and polymers”, “Development of new plastic materials, elastomers and drug delivery management systems from renewable sources”.

More than that, research centers of Belarus and the Republic of Korea run joint projects to get ingots from aluminum alloys with superfine microstructure using genetic modification, fluidic crystallizers and other devices avoiding extrinsic conditioning agents. They are also working on metallurgy technologies and technologies to produce, steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, as well as new solutions in energy- and resource-saving. “All these projects can be attributed to the sixth technological paradigm and are very promising for the two countries,” Alexander Shumilin said. In his words, scientists will keep collaborating in the field of nanomaterials, biotechnologies and optics.