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Belarus invited to partake in energy efficient construction in Astana

The UNDP office in Kazakhstan invited Belarusian specialists to participate in the construction of energy efficient objects in Astana, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Kazakhstan Anatoly Nichkasov told BelTA.

The first energy efficient residential house was built in Kazakhstan’s Astana using the project of Belarusian specialists. Air exchange equipment was provided by the company from Brest. After the commissioning of his house the Belarusians held a meeting with the representatives of the UNDP office in Kazakhstan. “Our specialists were invited to take part in a number of projects, including the construction of energy efficient houses in Astana. Apart from that, Belarusian suppliers of corresponding equipment and construction companies are eager to cooperate,” Anatoly Nichkasov said.

The Belarusian diplomat stressed that there are plans to build not only individual residential houses, but also groups of houses and residential quarters, schools, kindergartens and other social facilities which can be designed using Belarusian energy saving technologies.

According to Anatoly Nichkasov, the embassy holds many presentations of Belarusian goods. “We have already met with the management of Prostroy Trust which is one of the leading trusts in Belarus. Other big Belarusian companies are also planning to participate in the construction of infrastructure for the international exhibition EXPO 2017 that will take place in Astana,” Anatoly Nichkasov said.