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Belarus, Latvia to join efforts to implement high-tech projects

Belarus and Latvia will join efforts for the implementation of technology-intensive projects, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology Alexander Shumilin said at the opening ceremony of the second Belarus-Latvia forum Science, Innovations, Investments, BelTA has learned.

“Belarus and Latvia are not big countries and do not possess many natural resources, but they have a significant scientific and technical potential and can unite their efforts for the implementation of promising high-tech projects,” Alexander Shumilin noted.

He said that the Belarusian State Committee on Science and Technology and the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science are working on a new agreement on science and technology cooperation. The document has been submitted to the Latvian side for consideration and approval. Alexander Shumilin also said that Belarus and Latvia are currently financing seven joint scientific research projects in the fields that are of top priority for both states, such as chemistry and pharmaceutics, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, and ecology.

Minsk is hosting the Belarus-Latvia forum Science, Innovations, Investments on 11-12 December. Partaking in the event are around 100 scientists, representatives of different production enterprises, and government agencies. The forum has been organized with the support of the Belarusian Embassy in Latvia and the Latvian Embassy in Belarus. Its program features a seminar on the potential and opportunities for Belarus-Latvia cooperation in science and innovations and a presentation of the educational, scientific, and technical potential of Belarusian and Latvian universities.