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Belarus’ National Art Museum offers audio-guide in Chinese

An audio-guide in Chinese is now available at the National Art Museum of Belarus, BelTA informs.

The presentation of the first audio-guide in Chinese was held in the museum on 16 November. According to Director of the National Art Museum of Belarus Vladimir Prokoptsov, the need for such an audio aid has been dictated by time. Among the numerous guests of the museum there are more and more Chinese people and many of them do not know Russian. 

According to the National Art Museum, the Chinese audio-guide will help the museum increase the number of its Chinese visitors. Besides, the museum is a regular venue for Chinese exhibitions. One of them opened on 16 November. The exposition has featured the works of Chinese painter Chen Mou, deputy head of the Department of Chinese painting in China Central Academy of Fine Arts.

The organization of Chinese expositions in the National Art Museum of Belarus has become a good tradition. It contributes to the development of the Belarusian-Chinese cultural ties which are an important part of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation.