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Belarus, NEFCO sign framework agreement

Belarus has signed a framework agreement with the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO), BelTA learned from the press service of the Economy Ministry.

The document was signed by Belarusian Economy Minister Vladimir Zinovsky and Managing Director of NEFCO Magnus Rystedt.

The sides are eager to create the foundation for long-term cooperation in using financial resources provided by the corporation for the implementation of ecological projects that are interesting for Belarus and the member states of the association.

The Nordic Environment Finance Corporation is an international finance institution established by the agreement between Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Sweden of 6 November 1998. NEFCO sponsors a wide range of environmental projects that are interesting for the members of the association in Eastern Europe.

The corporation prioritizes projects that mitigate release of toxic pollutants, improve the ecological status of the Baltic Sea and prevent climate changes. NEFCO finances various environmental projects aimed at improving the ecological situation in Northern Europe. The organization supports profitable projects in Eastern Europe, mainly in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. NEFCO's portfolio comprises about 400 small and medium-sized projects in various industries.
Tags: cooperationecology