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Belarus’ position on climate change endorsed by UN summiteers

Belarus’ position on climate change was supported by other participants of the UN Climate Summit in New York, Belarusian Premier Mikhail Myasnikovich who led the Belarusian delegation at the summit told media, BelTA has learned.

Addressing the summiteers, the Belarusian head of government underlined Belarus’ commitment to its climate obligations, including the Kyoto Protocol. Mikhail Myasnikovich called upon the UN member states to work out a new universal agreement on climate by late 2015, which will envisage not only the commitment to reduce emissions but also mechanisms to provide economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants.

“It has been heard and supported. Communication with the participants of the forum who heard my speech shows that they share the main provisions of the Belarusian position,” the PM said.

According to Mikhail Myasnikovich, today there are different opinions on climate issues regarding the reasons for its change, possible outcome and separate mechanisms of the corresponding processes. “Here I believe serious research is needed to see the main approaches, reasons and circumstances that lead to the global climate change. UN representatives believe it is important and it should be researched,” the head of government said.
Tags: ecologyscience