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Belarus President tests BelAZ’s 450-tonne dump truck

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko tested the new 450-tonne mine dump truck made by BelAZ as he visited the management company of the BelAZ Holding company on 8 October, BelTA has learned.

During the visit the head of state took part in the launch of the company’s shop for manufacturing super heavy vehicles. A presentation of the BelAZ mine dump truck with the carrying capacity of 450 tonnes took place. The head of state went for a test ride on the new dump truck at the testing field.

During the visit to OAO BelAZ Alexander Lukashenko was made familiar with the company’s business operation and development plans.

BelAZ Holding was set up in 2012 for the sake of optimizing the management of the industrial group. The group comprises OAO BelAZ, which is the management company of the BelAZ Holding company, SZAO Mogilev Railway Car Building Plant, OAO BelAZ Service, OAO Starodorozhski Mechanical Works, OAO Kuzlitmash, OAO Slutsk Lifting-and-Conveying Machines Plant. Alexander Lukashenko was informed about the investment projects that each enterprise is implementing and about their estimated efficiency. The financial and economic situation of the holding company was also in the center of attention. At present the holding company’s profitability exceeds 14%.

Apart from that, the Belarus President was informed about the investment projects, which are being implemented, in particular, by Minsk Motor Plant, Belarusian Steel Works, and woodworking industry enterprises. The pace of renewal of the basic assets of Belarusian production sector enterprises was also discussed as well as innovation and investment efforts in the national production sector.