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Belarus President’s scholarships awarded to 90 talented young scientists

Scholarships of the President of Belarus 2014 have been awarded to 90 talented young scientists. The head of state signed a relevant instruction on 21 December, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

“The president’s monthly scholarships of Br3 million were assigned to 90 talented young scientists, including 10 doctors of science under 45, 47 candidates of sciences under 35, 33 young scientists without an academic title under 30,” informed the press service.

The scholarship holders include 41 representatives of physics-mathematical, technical and chemical sciences, 37 - biological, medical and agricultural sciences, 12 - social sciences and humanities. These are the promising researchers who have achieved the results of a significant scientific and practical value. Many representatives of technical, natural and agrarian sciences have patents for invention, useful models, new varieties of plants.

The signing of this instruction bears testament to the government’s constant support of talented young scientists in the country.
Tags: science