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Belarus prioritizes innovation-driven development, information society

The innovation-driven development and the formation of an information society are national priorities in Belarus. The statement was made as part of the welcome address by Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich to participants and visitors of the expos TIBO 2014, Mass Media in Belarus, and the Belarusian Congress on Information Society Technologies, BelTA has learned.

The welcome address was read out by Belarusian Information Technologies and Communications Minister Sergei Popkov at the opening of the 21st international forum on telecommunications, information and banking technologies TIBO 2014 on 21 April.

The welcome address reads that information technologies play a crucial role in global development, the change of technologies, and the transition to a post-industrial information society. “The main purpose of the development of the information society in the Republic of Belarus is to improve living standards for citizens and enable opportunities for meeting needs and for the free development of the individual and the society,” reads the address.

Belarus takes an active part in the formation of the information society. The penetration of broadband Internet access and mobile communication is ahead of the majority of the CIS states in terms of growth rate. The number of wired broadband Internet access subscribers has reached 2.8 million while the number of mobile Internet access subscribers is 4.3 million. Belarus is in the world’s top ten economies with the highest growth of indicators that describe the development levels of the telecommunication infrastructure and the use of information and communication technologies.

Thanks to the well-developed infrastructure information and communication technologies are widely used in the real sector of the economy and contribute to the development of online trade. Software development, including for export, is one of the most rapidly developing branches of the Belarusian economy.

The market of information and communication technologies and services develops fast in Belarus. It is testified by the number of TIBO participants and the expansion of the list of equipment and services on display. This year’s expo has gathered over 200 organizations from 14 countries.

The Prime Minister’s welcome address reads that the Belarusian Congress on Information Society Technologies will highlight topical matters concerning the development of the information and communication industry and Belarusian mass media. Those include the national information infrastructure, digital economy, digital government, information and communication technologies in the social sphere, the development of regional mass media, mass media presence in social networks, transboundary digital interaction in the Single Economic Space.

Mikhail Myasnikovich believes that results of the expos TIBO 2014, Mass Media in Belarus, and the Belarusian Congress on Information Society Technologies will make a tangible contribution to the development of high-tech enterprises in Belarus, to the competitive ability of the national economy and living standards of the nation.